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Why should you invest in your personal brand?

If it isn’t already, creating an identity for yourself should be on your starting a business checklist!


Personal branding is essential for anyone starting their own business. It involves creating a consistent image that reflects your values, skills and unique strengths. 

A strong personal brand can help establish credibility, differentiation and authority in your industry or niche. It involves developing a unique and consistent image that reflects who you are, what you stand for, and what you offer as a business owner. By investing in your personal brand, you can set yourself up for success as a business owner.

Some of the specific reasons you should invest in your personal brand include the fact that.. 


  • It is your most unique asset

Your personal brand can be one of your most powerful business skills and marketing tools if you learn how to use it to your advantage. As the world continues to become more digitally connected, people are craving a more personal connection behind the brands they follow and purchase products or services from.

Showcasing a face behind the business is a great way to appeal to the emotional side of your potential buyers. Doing so also builds trust and loyalty, giving customers another reason to return.

As Dave Grohl says, ‘No one is you, and that is your power.’


  • It encourages growth and personal accountability

Growth and accountability is crucial in the long-term success of any business or brand. When you have a personal brand these things still apply, but on a more internal scale. 

Developing a personal brand and being consistent with the content you share and the way you speak to your followers creates a benchmark that you’ll have to continually hold yourself to. This ensures that your personal brand never falters, as well as the connected reputation of your business. 


  • It can lead to a potential increase in leads and enquiries

Putting yourself and your business out into the world through social media channels increases exposure to potential clients which is never a bad thing!

Some potential customers may be more inclined to connect with a personal account that shares industry insights and individual experiences versus a business page and choose to invest in your product or service this way.


Some quick tips to begin building or improving your personal brand:

  • Find a successful example to draw inspiration from
  • Figure out what drives you
  • Be consistent with how much and the kind of content you share
  • Gain clarity on your target audience by conducting research – map out your stakeholders
  • Ensure that your brand and your lifestyle are one in the same – align your values to your the goals of your organisation
  • Make yourself visible and try to create a positive impact
  • Aim to tell a story around your brand that your audience can engage with.


Are you interested in discovering more about how you can improve and further develop your personal brand? The ABS Institute offers a personal branding course in which you will learn from leading social media experts and join a community of like-minded business owners.

To find out more about this course, feel free to visit the following link: https://www.absinstitute.com.au/product/personal-branding/.

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