Fees & Charges

Fees & Charges Policy & Procedure

ABS Institute of Management (ABS) is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and operates in accordance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. As such we endeavour to make the entrance to all programs financially viable for all students by offering flexible payment options to meet individual needs.

The details contained in this policy are broadly outlined under four sections:

  • Private training and tuition (fee for service)
  • Government-funded traineeships (Jobs and Skills WA)
  • Miscellaneous charges
  • What will the fees be?

Please note: If ABS ceases operations or the course/program offered is no longer delivered or does not commence on the agreed date we will refund any fees paid in full.

Private training and tuition (fee for service)

Fee amounts, terms and conditions will be provided in the information located either on the ABS website or by contacting our organisation and enquiring about course availability, delivery and relevant fees. Information literature will inform clients of any additional costs involved in undertaking their chosen course. Completion of an enrolment form by a candidate and acceptance of the enrolment by ABS constitutes an agreement to honour the contract outlined.

Note: for current fees please refer to the link located at the bottom of this page under What will the fees be?

Payment Options

To be considered an enrolled student you must confirm one of the following payment options upon enrolment:

  • Pay the fees by part payments (25% deposit on enrolment and balance in part payments [not exceeding $1500 per payment] over the nominal term of the program);
  • The balance of fees can be paid in 3 instalments, each quarter;
  • Present a signed authority from your employer to invoice fees and charges;

Payments can be made by: Direct Bank Deposit, Visa or Mastercard.

Payment by instalments

Payment plans can be negotiated if clients are seeking to vary the standard payment arrangements.

  1. Instalment amounts will be calculated to be paid in intervals as agreed between the client and the manager of ABS.
  2. If regular instalments are not made during this time, the assessment will cease until payments are resumed and no certificate will be issued until full payment of the course is finalised.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)/Recognition of Current Competencies (RCC) Fees

Fees will be confirmed with students prior to the application being made depending on the number of units being undertaken. Fees are payable at the time of submission. For further details about RPL/RCC including definitions please see additional information below.

Credit Transfer

No charge. For further details about Credit Transfer including definitions please see additional information below.

Government Funded Training (Jobs and Skills WA)

Jobs and skills logo

This section sets out the fees and charges that apply to training funded by the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) and delivered by ABS Institute of Management.

The Department of Training and Workforce Development’s VET Fees and Charges Policy requires ABS Institute to collect fees and charges for students undertaking publicly funded vocational education and training (VET) in Western Australia in accordance with the provisions of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996Vocational Education and Training (Colleges) Regulations 1996 and/or, where appropriate, as specified in our contractual arrangements.

Reference documents

Department of Training and Workforce Development: VET Fees and Charges Policy

Eligibility for traineeships

Not all students are eligible for government-funded traineeships. Prospective students should contact ABS Institute to discuss their eligibility.

Total fee payable

The total fee payable by an individual student undertaking a publicly funded Traineeship with ABS Institute is comprised of the course fee and resources fee as detailed below. For current fees please refer to the link located at the bottom of this page under What will the fees be?

Course fees and resource fees

ABS Institute is required to charge students, accepted on a traineeship, a course fee based on rates set by the Department of Training and Workforce Development. The rate set per nominal hour by the Department for this year is $3.25 (new worker). The nominal hours for each unit within a qualification are also set by the Department.

Fees applying to units attended in future years

The fees noted above apply for units completed this year. New rates may apply to units commenced in the following year and beyond, as per the Department of Training and Workforce Development’s VET Fees and Charges Policy’s gazetted unit hour fee.

Students will be invoiced this year only for the portion of their training they are scheduled to commence this year (as per their training plan). Those who are scheduled to commence training in subsequent years will be issued an invoice for that portion of the training when the new fees become available.

Students who are invoiced for training that is scheduled for this year, but defer their training until next year, will be required to pay for the deferred training at the following year’s rates, and an adjustment invoice will be issued prior to or shortly after their commencement at training in the following year.

RPL assessment fee

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) involves the assessment of previously unrecognised skills and knowledge an individual has achieved outside the formal education and training system in respect of a specific unit. RPL is an assessment process that assesses the individual’s non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual has achieved these required learning outcomes or competency outcomes.

Students wishing to seek RPL for one or more units in their traineeship will be charged at the RPL assessment rate.

For current fees please refer to the link located at the bottom of this page under What will the fees be?

*Student tuition fees (course fees) are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as student service and resource fees.

Miscellaneous charges

Other miscellaneous charges apply to the services provided by ABS. These include:

  • $50.00 for a re-issue of a Certificate, Qualification or Statement of Attainment
  • Re-sitting of assessment where two attempts have previously been made
  • A 20% collection fee for overdue accounts that are handed over to debt collectors

What will the fees be?

Click here to download a copy of our current fees and charges

Note:  Additional information relating to fees and charges is also outlined on our website under Policies and Procedures covering refunds and cancellations with a refund request form located under Forms and Templates.


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