B Safe Well Healthy 2024 update

October 2024 update:

Since our original post regarding Sue from 2019 we are proud to provide an update on Sue’s journey!

I’m so truly grateful to have participated in your NEIS program 5 years ago. On Thursday 3rd October my business turned 5. The last 5 years have been an amazing journey doing something that I love helping those struggling with stress, anxiety, and problems sleeping through a wellness range I make here in Perth from 100% pure natural essential oils and non toxic ingredients.

After doing the NEIS program I started my business by setting up three trestle tables at the Canning Vale Markets every Sunday, then in March 2020 just before COVID hit us here in Perth I opened my very first shop at Coventry Village in Morley, wow what a challenge that period was however I survived. Then in September 2022, I closed that shop to move to a location that was more suitable for what I do. That location is where I am today at the E Shed Markets Fremantle, I have attached a picture for you. (Picture below)

In the last couple of years, I’ve completed my Aromatherapy Diplomas, became a member of the Complimentary Medical Association and in September my business became a finalist for the Fremantle Business Awards 2024 which the winners will be announced at the end of this week. I’m about to add to my passion the services of being an Aromatherapy Consultant.

I just wanted to share an update with you from a successful participant in your program and to say thank you for the opportunity 5 years ago, that chance you gave me has allowed me to help many people.

Thank you

Sue Birch

Picture of B safe well and healthy shop in Eshed markets


Sue started Essential Bloom with B Safe Well Healthy late 2019 with the help of New Business Assistance with NEIS. What makes her story so inspiring is the fact she has done so with the threat of Corona Virus and the uncertainly that has come with it.

Essential Bloom With B Safe Well Healthy is about helping everyone in the workplace and at home to stay safe, well, and healthy. The idea came when Sue became a FIFO partner. She had always had a passion for safety and wellness, however it was being part of the FIFO lifestyle that showed her how passionate she was.

Part of the wellness side of her business is the Essential Bloom brand. The Essential Bloom brand is a wellness range made from scratch with 100% pure essential oils and non-toxic ingredients which includes but not limited to an Anxiety and Sleep range, this range can be viewed and purchased in her online store.

Sue said she found NEIS very beneficial. “It has helped me get to where I am today following my passion. The NEIS program has helped me follow my dreams and passion of helping everyone be safe, well and healthy.” When asked what advice she would give to anyone starting their own business she said “To never give up even when the going gets touch. Never ever be afraid to reach out and ask for help. You can do anything you chose to, just believe and take action”

You can check out Sue’s website bsafewellhealthy.com.au or visit her store at the E-Shed markets in Fremantle.

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